Hello and welcome! We are honored to have you as our guest on the Mountains et al. Blog!
If you find a little inspiration here, some good ideas or some useful information, then we are more than happy.
Being on this page, we suppose that you want to find out more about us, so allow us to introduce ourselves: We are Emilian and Miriam Mateut.

A few things about us...
We've been married since 2019 and we spend most of our time in Cluj, in the heart of Transylvania, surrounded by friends and family.
Amongst other passions, such as programming, pharmacy, history, theology, reading, cooking, philosophy, board games, good conversations, volunteering, sport etc. every now and then we delight in experiences given by trips and outdoor activities.
Each trip comes with its own experience, which cannot always be compared to other trips. We enjoy the sea with its waves, we like the cities with their vibrant life, we love road-trips and adventure, we also enjoy understanding different cultures, appreciating the culinary experiences, and others.
But more than all of the above, we find ourselves in amazed by mountains.
… and about this blog
This blog is called Mountains et al. because we want to share some of the experiences from our mountain trips, and from our other travels. It is, in the first place, about mountains and hiking, but it can be about any other great adventure or any learned lesson.
Our goal is for you to find ideas, inspiration and useful information for choosing and preparing your next experience and, why not, for a better life.
If you like this blog and you wish to support us in any way, you can find more information here.
We would be glad to get to know you, to hear your stories and your experiences. We will read with great interest your comments, either on the blog or on social media platforms and we enjoy every message we get on one of these channels.
If you want to find out about our friends' activities, or other people we follow, you can find them here.
If you have a blog or a facebook/instagram page, do not hesitate to tell us about them.
We also appreciate any kind of feedback, suggestions, or advice and we will try to answer all of your questions, if we can be of use.
With friendship, Emilian and Miriam!